Warangal airport is also known as mamnoor airport. During 1981 it is in running condition nizams are used to land cargo flight in warangal airport. At that time warangal airport is one of the largest airport in india with 1897 acer of airport land and with around 6.7 km runway many military and cargo flights are landed in warangal airport after 1980 the airport has not in use due to some poltical issues in AP and the main commerical place for warangal is azamzahi mill with is a cotton industry with large scale. More than 2000 employee are worked in this industry but due to non maintainance and cruption in the industry management the industry gone into losses and due to this reason the commerial market in warangal has spoiled and airport was not used for any commerical use then government planned to shut the airport and azamzahi mills during congress government. Almost after 30 years under the TRS party governance the airport has sanctioned to warangal. Firstly government is planning to run the charted flights with capacity of not more than 20- 30 in flight for domestic purpose only. Due to the sanction of airport in warangal the realestate in warangal has boomed to and land prices in warangal has reached high. Agricultural land of nekkonda road are increased high.